Dearraindrop: Computer Game Blues

The Institute proudly welcomes the Virginia-based collective Dearrraindrop, for the opening of Computer Game Blues, their first ever solo-exhibition in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. For the past eight or so years, Dearraindrop has given the world a particularly bright and maximalist candidate for a new American mythos; an infectious visual language that has the unshakeable feeling of symbols taking on a life of their own. Through video, paint, sound, and device, Dearraindrop marks one of the highpoints in the pulsing sensibility we might best describe as “American Baroque.”

Come celebrate Independence Day with Dearraindrop and the Institute, from 3:00PM until late evening.

Dearraindrop has exhibited widely in Norway, Japan, Italy, and Portugal, as well as solo exhibits in New York with Deitch Projects, John Connelly Presents, and on Coney Island.


Previous Shows

Brandon Joyce's release for the Dearraindrop Show with John Connelly

Brandon Joyce's Addendum on the Seven Cities
In Dearraindrop's Off/On, published by Deitch Productions

Roberta Fallon's review

Dearraindrop: Computer Game Blues - Assets
Departmental Associations
Project Members